Stefanie Hartman


Business Growth Training


Podcasting Get your Podcast DONE - In just a few short hours, you'll know exactly how to podcast to increase traffic, sell products, create mini radio shows, and get a loyal following. AND, you won't just learn the whys - by the end of the month, your podcasts will be ready, created and getting you RESULTS!
Exposure Get Your Speakers Kit & Press Kit DONE - Your Speaker & Press Kit gets YOU the kind of EXPOSURE for your business that will TRIPLE your annual sales! You’ll be prepared for interviews on TV & Radio as well as speaking engagements where you can advertise your business to thousands and sell your products & services. You simply ‘cut and paste’ your info into our PROVEN TO GET RESULTS template. 
MIT Program Millionaire Expert Success System™ - STOPS You Trading Time For Money . . . STOPS The 40 Hour Work Week and Endless Commuting . . . The Quickest & Easiest Way For YOU to Create Income on Demand, Leverage Your Knowledge and Gain 'Celebrity' or 'Expert' Status Plus Gives YOU The Security, Flexibility and Freedom To Live The Life YOU Desire . . .  There is no other system which lets you mold it to fit your lifestyle like this one to: Make a six (or even seven) figure income, inspire other people which not only makes an impact, it allows you to leave behind a legacy that rewards and recognizes simply sharing your natural insights and wisdom with the world!
Get It Done Today Series The GET IT DONE TODAY Series! Does this sound Familiar..."Look, I know I need to promote my business better this year with powerful marketing through podcasting social media and massive exposure techniques, but I just can’t keep up with the latest stuff - or find the time!" Why can't Someone just do it for me?
Well we Heard You

Private JV Club The Private Joint Venture Club™ - We've blended the Most Powerful (and Profitable) Marketing Strategy in the business with a devoted community of high profile Global Business Connections... The Result: Massive Business Profits & Way More Fun! A place where people who are interested in Joint Venturing with others gather to make deals and hone their skills. We teach you to see the synergy between your business and others to be able to approach then for exposure, clients, ect as well as be able to place ads and opportunities for members in the club to Joint Venture with you. That’s all part of the 6 degrees of separation.